1,800 m2
BOG investment property, housed HQ/Financial departments of ‘The Rolling Stones’ and ‘U2’. Was built in 1672 as a double house 14.84 m wide. Includes double sidewalk with lower entrance. Beautiful style features such as the front door frame and the carving window with star back window.
You can achieve a lot with tenants through a communication plan and clear expectation management! The trust has to be there, because you do come into people’s private domain.
De Berg sees itself as a proactive real estate investor that can add value to the chain by using its expertise. For example, previously acquired knowledge of the remediation of asbestos-containing substances was used very accurately through a communication plan in consultation with sitting tenants. Contrary to our expectations, consultation with the fire chief regarding the execution of the work in combination with escape safety turned out to be quite possible.